The Mission of Zonta - Zonta International is a leading global organization of individuals working together to build a better world for women and girls.

Calendar Events
Amelia Earhart Day
Every January, Zonta celebrates the life of Zontian and famed aviator Amelia Earhart. While we celebrate the program for the whole month, we selected January 11th as Amelia Earhart Day in recognition of the day Amelia began her solo trip from Honolulu, HI to Oakland, CA, which made her the first person to fly to the United States mainland from Hawaii. She also became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Fun After Five Table
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg participates by co-sponsoring the Chamber of Commerce’s “Fun-After-Five” event for non-profits in the community. Our members help to promote the Zonta Club of Fredericksburg and Zonta International while networking with other non-profit organizations from the Fredericksburg area as well as Chamber of Commerce members in attendance.
Woman of Achievement Award
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg honors the Woman of Achievement recipient with an Award and a bouquet of yellow roses. This is a local woman recognized by the Club for her leadership, her vision, her being a worker bee and her philanthropic service in the community. We take nominations in January of each year and vote upon the honoree in February at our regular membership meeting.
Add Your Voice Membership Drive
In March of each year we celebrate the opportunity to recruit new members to the Club by holding a "Mingle with Members" evening event where community locals can learn more about our Club and the International practices of Zonta. Yearly membership fees apply if joining and our fiscal year is June 1 - May 31. When joining in March, our ZCF waives the registration fee for March, April and May and complete registration then stays in effect through May 31st of the following year.
Foundation Fundraising Event
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We fundraise every year to honor women and girls with educational scholarships and awards. Each year we decide on what specialty event to hold for any and all of our sponsors and community supporters. Banquets, motivational speakers, community service, and / or fun for all events are considered. Many times auction items are on hand and raffle prizes are periodically awarded during the events.
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg Scholarship Committee selects recipients for our $1,000.00 educational scholarships. The Zonta Club was established to assist and encourage women of all ages to further their career goals. Our focus toward the mission has been to provide scholarships to women of Gillespie County for college or other curriculum training to enhance their professional opportunities. The Scholarship Committee of the Zonta Club of Fredericksburg posts the applications and process on the website each August and accepts applications until the deadline of March 15th each year.
YWPA Award
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg selects its Young Woman in Public Affairs award. The goal of the Zonta International Young Woman in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award Program is to encourage more young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing a commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Women between the ages of 16 and 19 years of age on April 1st are eligible to receive this award. The local YWPA winner receives a $1000.00 award and if the District chooses them they will receive a check for $1,500.00 and $5,000.00 at the International level if selected. Applications are posted on our website by August of the previous year and must be received by February 28th of the following year to be considered for the Award honored in May.
Welcome to the New Fiscal Year and New Officers and Board Members
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg installs new officers and board members. The incoming and outgoing officers and board members hold a retreat to discuss the goals for the upcoming year and review the accomplishments of the past fiscal year. The installation ceremony is held during our membership meeting presented by a member of the District Board.
International Convention Re-cap
Since 1945 annually and since 1952 every other year Zonta International holds a global convention. This event has taken place in many different cities and countries around the world, most recently in Hamberg, Germany 2022 but previously in Chicago, IL 2020; Yokohama, Japan 2018; Nice, France 2016; and Orlando, FL 2014. The highest authority of Zonta International is the annual convention. The purpose of the convention has been described - Zonta International shall hold a biennial Convention for the purpose of determining the policies of Zonta International, of receiving reports of officers and committees, of electing officers and the Nominating Committee, and for any other business that may arise.
Happy Anniversary to the Zonta Club of Fredericksburg
The Zonta Club of Fredericksburg celebrates its 69th Anniversary on August 28 of its charter.
The Yellow Rose Award
The Yellow Rose Award began with our club in 2018 with Suzanne Wood being our first recipient. This award honors a woman who puts forth many hours of dedicated volunteer service to our club and to the community we serve each year by the dedication to advancing the status of women through service and advocacy.
Annual Membership Drive
In September of each year we celebrate the opportunity to recruit new members to the Club by holding a "Friend-raising" evening event where community locals can learn more about our Club and the International practices of Zonta. Yearly membership fees apply if joining and our fiscal year is June 1 - May 31. When joining in September your registration fee is good through May 31st although we collect the following year's dues in April each year and complete registration then stays in effect through May 31st of the following year.
Back to School Literacy Program
The Literacy Committee decides on project for the year. Fundraising parameters are implemented. Our Favorite Foods of Fredericksburg cookbook is an on-going year round fundraiser for our club. They are sold by our members and in many of the local retailer locations.
16 Days of Activism for ZISVAW
Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women Campaign and Sixteen Days of Activism start on November 25th and goes through December 10th each year. ZISVAW "Zonta International Strategies for NO to Violence Against Women" and we represent in the community by wearing orange to signify the campaign. Each year our community activity differs but keeping the goal to Build a Better World for Women and Girls. https://zontasaysno.com/
Annual Advocacy and Christmas Party
The Zonta Club collects money and the Fredericksburg Girl Scout Troops shops for, wraps and delivers food and gifts for the Hill Country Needs Council’s “Adopt-A-Family” program. The Club celebrates the holidays with our Annual Christmas Party where members bring donations for the Hill Country Crisis Center Battered Women’s Shelter.